Get More Data and Conversions With Progressive Profiling |  - Pardot | The MarTech Digest |


Progressive profiling, sometimes referred to as a dynamic form, is a feature of marketing automation platforms that allows you to select which form fields appear based on the information you already have about a particular lead. This allows you to collect new information about a prospect each time they fill out a form. This means shorter, less repetitive forms for your leads and more valuable information in the long run for you. It’s an easy win-win that reduces the friction of conversion and allows you to build relationships more naturally.


Getting more conversions is all about reducing friction for your prospects. You want to overcome all objections and hesitations to make the conversion process as smooth as possible. Progressive profiling helps to smooth out the process on a number of fronts.


Because you are collecting more information over time, you are able to keep your forms shorter (we recommend no more than 4 form fields) and easier to complete. By never asking the same question twice, you are also able to avoid annoying repetition in your fields. Both improvements make form completion a smooth, more natural process for your prospects.