Social Curation At Its Best | Social Media Content Curation |
There is a staggering amount content being generated online at this very moment. The average number of tweets sent per day is up to 140 million. More than 35 hours worth of video is uploaded onto YouTube each minute, with over two billion videos watched per day.
While aggregators like Alltop, Bloglines, and Digg help filter the never-ending cycle of content creation and consumption, the problem is still information overload. There’s only so much time in one day. Even if you limited your focus to a single niche or topic, there is way more information out there than can ever be absorbed.
Out of this crisis has emerged a new trend-- Curation. Very simply, it is the ability to master the flow of conversation. Social curation allows people to collectively bring forth the very best, most relevant and interesting bits of information and present it in a meaningful way.