Hacking Team, Surveillance and You | Digital Privacy | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
The fact that a company called Hacking Team was hacked, combined with the disclosure of their shady clientele, has several diminished the credibility of previous denials the company has made about their engaging in this kind of profiteering. It also validates criticisms that groups like the EFF and Reporters Without Borders have thrown at Hacking Team – basically, that they provide agents around the globe with cyberweapons used for the suppression of democracy and the violation of human rights.

Hacking Team offers their clients a “Remote Control System” (RCS) that combines a variety of spyware technologies into one comprehensive surveillance suite. According to The Citizen Lab, this RCS product essentially allows users to do things like turn the microphones and cameras of their targets’ mobile phones on/off, monitor and record communications, and copy files and passwords.

While Hacking Team sells exclusively to governments, companies are designing products and services to give them similar capabilities.

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