Oracle Java Vulnerability Exploit Rolled into BlackHole Kit, Security Pros Urge Patch | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |
The vulnerability in question is CVE-2012-0507, a remote execution bug patched by Oracle in February.


Earlier this month, researchers at Microsoft spotted it being used in attacks to circumvent the sandbox mechanism in the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Now, security blogger Brian Krebs has reported that cybercriminals have packaged an exploit for the bug into the infamous BlackHole toolkit.


BlackHole has emerged as one of the most widely-used malware kits sold on the Web. According to security firm AVG Technologies, it accounted for more than 80 percent of toolkit detections during the fourth quarter of 2011. Krebs reported this week he had found several posts on underground carding forums stating the exploit has been included in the kit.