New Mac OS X Trojan discovered | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |
Sabpab exploits same Java vulnerability as Flashback...


Mac users should make sure they have applied Apple's latest Java update and installed anti-virus software after a new Trojan targeting OS X was spotted in the wild.


Ironically discovered on Friday 13th, the new Trojan - Sabpab - uses the same vulnerability in the OS X's Java plug-in to infect Macs, warns security firm Sophos.


===> It also doesn't require any user interaction to infect a system either - just like Flashback - all that needs to happen is for you to visit an infected webpage. <===



"The newly discovered Sabpab malware is in many ways a basic backdoor Trojan horse. It connects to a control server using HTTP, receiving commands from remote hackers as to what it should do.


The criminals behind the attack can grab screenshots from infected Macs, upload and download files, and execute commands remotely," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos.