Facebook bug may have made 14m users’ posts public | #SocialMedia #Privacy #BigData | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

The latest Facebook privacy SNAFU (Situation Normal, All Facebooked Up) is a bug that changed settings on some accounts, automatically suggesting that their updates be posted publicly, even though users had previously set their updates as “private”.

On Thursday, Facebook asked 14 million users to review posts made between 18 May and 22 May: that’s when the bug was changing account settings. Not all of the 14 million users affected by the bug necessarily had their information publicly, mistakenly shared, but best to check.

Facebook Chief Privacy Officer Erin Egan said in a post that as of Thursday, the company had started letting those 14 million people know about the situation. She stressed that the bug didn’t affect anything people had posted before that time, and even then, they could still have chosen their audience like they always have.

Normally, the audience selector is supposed to be sticky: every time you share something, you get to choose who sees it, and the suggestion is supposed to be based on who you shared stuff with the last time you posted. Friends only? Fine, that’s what should be automatically suggested for the next post, and the one after that, until you change it… or a weird little glitch like this pops up.


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