The Art of Irresistible 2.0 Roberto Hogue Book PDF Free Download | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) |

The Art of Irresistible 2.0 book by Roberto Hogue free download (.pdf). Be approachable. Ever had a feeling someone was staring at you so when you turn to look, it’s a guy SMILING EAR TO EAR FROM THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE END OF THE ROOM? That guy is interested in you. Why else would he be staring right at you?!?! Smile. You can even wink, give him a little hair flip, and wave if you would like to spice things up in the kitchen.. I mean classroom. Give the guy some sign of encouragement to come up and talk to you. ANYTHING. Don’t lower your standards. This is the MOST important one of them all. Just because you haven’t met anyone you’re really interested in or clicked with, doesn’t mean you should just settle. Settling is bad. Don’t dumb it down, don’t slut it up, JUST DON’T. You deserve the best guy out there! Yes, he’s hard to find but that’s because he’s better than all those other bozos you’ve come across. When the time comes, it’ll be worth the wait!