Bob Grant's Long Distance Love Guide PDF Download Free | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) |

Bob Grant's Long Distance Love Guide PDF download. Feel free to share this guide with your friends on Facebook! The world can be a lonely place, and not only when it comes to finding love. Times have changed and we are less limited by factors such as geography, race and social class when it comes to the friendships we form. However, despite all the new opportunities afforded to us by technological advances and political progress people seem to be lonelier than ever before. It may be a simple case of quantity over quality – it’s easier now to have a wider social circle (lots of coffee friends) but the nature of these relationships is somewhat superficial. Possibly symptomatic of the Tinder generation, people are now more fickle when it comes to all sorts of human relationships. Essentially everyone is replaceable so discarding/downgrading friends is becoming more common and people seem to be more willing to cut their losses and move on quickly instead of sticking something out a fighting for a friendship. The issue of loneliness, which is the focus of this post, can be exacerbated in a cliquey place like Cape Town where you’ll find it difficult to be truly accepted by the locals if you weren’t born and raised on the slopes of Table Mountain. I’ve mentioned this before, but it really does seem that many Capetonians often value historic friendships which date back to their diaper days. So basically, if you are an expat (or from Jo’burg) living in the Mother City can be quite problematic until you find ‘your people’. Visit Donna Jean Books to download Long Distance Love Guide PDF. Thanks!