Ecom Revolution
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Marty Note
Solid tips here with a few caveats:

* #3 printing is a nice to have now not a must have. Printing just isn't as important, but, for some, a printed piece is easier to share.

* Reviews are now more important in their absence. Having hundreds of reviews is great as it shows the size and value of the tribe formed around a given product. A Customer's voice is always a tad different sounding too, so be sure to curate content FROM reviews.

* High res images is a good idea, but don't slow the delivery of your page down. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to help server your images and videos fast no matter who is looking at your content or from where.

* Product comparisons are great especially if they are social.

* Shipping = we would amend shipping to make sure your FREE Shipping triggers are easy to find / be aware of and set to maximize conversions.!
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Peg Corwin's insight:

Learn how web design can affect your brain when you see these:

 - Testimonials
 - Endorsements
 - Social media shares
 - Social media widgets
 - Trust seals
 - Numbers of Happy Customers
 - Most Popular Best Seller
 - Studies and Stats
 - As Seen in Press Mentions
 - Reviews
 - Plans and Pricing Pages
 - Limited Supply
 - Early Bird Registration, Countdown Clocks
 - Trial periods, free samples
 - Colors and action

It's fascinating.  Click for details and examples.


"Remember, 100% of your target audience has brains. B2B or B2C, lead generation, or ecommerce, it doesn’t matter. Keep those brains in mind in your marketing. And as consumers, we should be aware of how marketers are taking advantage of our own biases."

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Martin (Marty) Smith:

Love "neuromarketing" and of the tactics Peg mentions I've used:

* Testimonials. & Endorsements.
* Social Media.
* Trust Seals.
* Counters and thermometers (numbers of happy customers).
* Best Sellers (one of my favs).
* As Seen In mentions (loved it when Oprah got anywhere near our stuff).
* REVIEWS (very important).
* Plans and pricing (or shipping) page especially at holidays.
* Limited supply and EXCLUSIVE.

* Deadlines, free trail, gifts with purchase.

So great list and Scoop by @Peg Corwin.!
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Scoop it Creator

Martin (Marty) Smith