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Google Rankbrain SEO's New Math
Google Rankbrain Artificial Intelligence (AI) SEO killer will surely scorch the earth. Dogs and cats living together was the only, “Machines Take Over” reference Larry Kim left out of RankBrain Judgement Day: Four Tactics You’ll Need To Survive for SearchEngine Watch.

Quieting the hyperbole a tad doesn’t mean Kim’s post isn’t..


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Google is allowing brands and celebrities to add content directly into search. Google's test combines "internal" and "external" searches into a powerful "branded search" result.!
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April Showers - Beware The Responsive Rabble
Responsive is so much more than most realize. Sure you can get a template to LOOK okay, but without redefining your site's functionality, design and information architecture you are "responsive" in name only. Problem is MOBILE FIRST = PAIN for many.

Pain comes in two forms one usually under marketing's control and one not. Understanding the FLATTENING of websites in a post-mobile era means doing less BETTER. Since much of IA can be done within Magento's categories or a CMS's tune engine marketing usually has the means of production.

Not so much when it comes to functionality shifts. Redesigning a cart to be "mobile first", for one PAINFUL example I'm glad I'm no longer an Ecom Director to have to manage, is out of marketing's hands after wireframes go to the coders.

The REAL challenge is some SEO sensitive champion needs to be watching over your site's RESPONSIVE metamorphosis or PAIN will be a vast understatement. SEO changes inside the code can create spider-traps and other problems.

Programmers take efficient straight lines. Problem is some of those efficient lines can KILL your website. Promise to create more content about how to protect what you have and get some more even after a responsive re-design soon.!
Joemktg's curator insight, April 2, 2015 3:47 PM

Mobile-friendly is a given. However, I suppose we'll need to wait to see what Google rolls out with to determine the impact on doorway pages.

See your Google organic visit data overlaid with Google's major algorithm updates, and then dig into your data.

Marty Note
One of our favorite Free Tools is Panguin. Panguin overlays Google algorithm changes on your Google Analytics taking the mystery out of what has happened to all of your traffic.

We've seen well established sites take a 30% traffic haircut due to all of Google's changes. Hope your site isn't in that group, but if it is know that working your way back is possible, but change is necessary (it doesn't get better on its own).!
No comment yet. understands something you don't. They understand there is NO WAY to compete head-to-head with Amazon. Better to shift to a "blue ocean" by creating a highly social, mobile and gamified environment.

As a "mashup artist" can create pages that cost pennies, pages that may generate dollars. Are there bumps with this "new age" affiliate marketing? Of course, but, as the pagespread chart illustrates, you don't beat the giant YOU CO-OPT him :).!
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Bad links can kill your website's hard-won authority, reputation & traffic. Use Google's disavow tool to protect your site's traffic from SEO bandits.!
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There is a new invisible giant, a giant using 5 "tricks" so the "new seo" is hard and harder to see and understand. This Haiku Deck and Curatti blog post is about how to see the invisible giant. How to win hearts, minds and loyalty online.

We've named the hard to see new seo The Invisible Giant. Thousands have now seen, interacted with, shared and commented on The Invisible Giant. Have you?

Haiku Deck

Curatti Blog Post!
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Friends run a great online women's apparel store. This post discusses 5 tips to help aligned their store with the new SEO including:

1. Great First Person About Page.

2. Adding Cross Sale (to help with inventory fluctuation).

3. Create Content Silos (to help with New SEO).

4. Use and Pinterest (great visual merchandising tools).

5. Content Contests (to generate UGC).

These tips could work for almost any online #ecommerce retailer since engagement is the new black in terms of post Panda and Penguin SEO.!
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Had a bad experience purchasing from an online merchant? Google says it wants to protect searchers from that, and it may crackdown later this year with changes intended to prevent bad merchants from ranking well.
Martin (Marty) Smith:

The Semantic Problem

When The NY Eyeglasses website showed up a weakness in Google's algoritm, that Google can't tell the difference between good and bad rankings, they moved to crush HIM. 

The Problem Remained.

If you missed the story a brazen website in NYC was horrible at customer service on purpose. They wanted the rants against them since those rants on review websites helped push their SEO rankings through the roof. They would achieve top rankings when the juice-rich bad reviews poured in.

The eyeglasses website found a seam in Google's lack of semantic understanding. A link, in the current Google world, is valuable no matter what the semantic context. Google landed on this fool like a ton of bricks by chaging their algorithm FOR HIS WEBSITE proving when you mess with the bull don't talk about it in the New York Times. 

Google may close this loophole later this year as Navneet Panda's amazing algorithm begins to UNDERSTAND the difference between good and bank links or the sentiment behind them. 

Merchants with bad reviews beware.!
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Scoop it Creator

Martin (Marty) Smith