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SabPub : un nouveau cheval de Troie identifié sur Mac OS X

SabPub : un nouveau cheval de Troie identifié sur Mac OS X | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
Repéré par des chercheurs de chez Kasperky, le malware SabPub exploite une fois encore une faille de sécurité Java dans Mac OS X via des documents Word piégés.
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Mac Trojan 'SabPub' Proves Cybercriminals Actively Target OS X

Mac Trojan 'SabPub' Proves Cybercriminals Actively Target OS X | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |

"SabPub" proves Macs are now targets of Advanced Persistant Threats (APTs), a persistent type of cyber attack operated by cyber criminals, Kaspersky Lab confirmed.


In an update to the ongoing SabPub saga, Kaspersky's researchers reported some unusual activity once the SabPub payload was dropped in its machine bait over the weekend.


===> The attackers were actively analyzing the computer's contents, clearly searching for something: <===




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Kaspersky warnt vor neuem Mac-Trojaner

Kaspersky warnt vor neuem Mac-Trojaner | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
Die Sicherheitsexperten von Kaspersky warnen vor einem neuen Mac-Trojaner, der nach dem Flashback-Schädling erneut auf Apple-Anwender abzielt.


Der Flashback-Trojaner schaffte es vor wenigen Tagen binnen kürzester Zeit über 700.000 Macs zu infizieren und zu einem Teil eines Botnetzes zu machen. Der Schädling demonstrierte damit, dass Mac-Nutzer keineswegs sicher vor Online-Kriminellen sind.


Der von Kaspersky Lab neu entdeckte Schädling wurde auf den Namen SabPub getauft und verbreitet sich über Word-Dokumente.


Dabei wird dieses Mal die bereits bekannte Java-Schwachstelle CVE-2009-0563 ausgenutzt. Die Online-Kriminelle nutzen SabPub zum Aufbau eines Botnetzes, das unter anderem für Datenspionage genutzt wird.


Kaspersky warnt:"Das Schadprogramm wird via Spear Phishing – einer sehr zielgerichteten Phishing-Attacke – verbreitet.


Als Social-Engineering-Trick wird das Thema Tibet/Dalai Lama ausgenutzt, wie dies auch im so genannten „Lucky Cat“-Fall geschehen ist."



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New Mac OS X Trojan unearthed. Call it SabPub

New Mac OS X Trojan unearthed. Call it SabPub | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
The folks at Kaspersky Lab report that there's new Mac malware in the wild, called Backdoor.OSX.SabPub.a.


There are at least two variants being spread through Java exploits. Read this blog post by Don Reisinger on Security & Privacy.




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Apple releases Flashback malware removal tool, for OS X Lion only

Apple releases Flashback malware removal tool, for OS X Lion only | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
In its ongoing battle against the widespread Flashback malware attack, Apple has released a standalone removal tool.


===> The downloadable utility is available exclusively for Mac owners running OS X Lion. It will not run on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or earlier versions. <===


Apple has not officially acknowledged the discontinuation of support for users of pre-Snow Leopard versions of OS X. Under the “Additional information” heading in its bulletin describing the Flashback malware, the company says: “For Macs running Mac OS X v10.5 or earlier, you can better protect yourself from this malware by disabling Java in your web browser(s) preferences.”


Several security companies have reported the discovery of a different malware variant that appears to attack the same Java vulnerability.


===> Like Flashback, this new Trojan requires no user interaction to infect your Apple Mac. Kaspersky refers to it as “Backdoor.OSX.SabPub.a” while Sophos calls it at “SX/Sabpab-A.” <===





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SabPub Mac OS X Backdoor: Java Exploits, Targeted Attacks and Possible APT link

SabPub Mac OS X Backdoor: Java Exploits, Targeted Attacks and Possible APT link | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
we can confirm yet another Mac malware in the wild - Backdoor.OSX.SabPub.a being spread through Java exploits. This new threat is a custom OS X backdoor, which appears to have been designed for use in targeted attacks.
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SabPub : un nouveau trojan agressif sur Mac

SabPub : un nouveau trojan agressif sur Mac | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |

Alors qu'Apple et plusieurs éditeurs en sécurité viennent de publier des correctifs pour venir à bout du cheval de Troie Flashback, un nouveau malware s'invite actuellement sur Mac OS X. Son nom : Backdoor.OSX.SabPub.a.


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Schon wieder: neuer Mac-Trojaner entdeckt

Schon wieder: neuer Mac-Trojaner entdeckt | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
Die Sicherheitsexperten von Kaspersky Lab haben einen neuen Mac-Trojaner entdeckt. Die Schadsoftware heisst SabPub und verbreitet sich über Word-Dokumente.
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New Mac malware uses Flashback Java exploit

New Mac malware uses Flashback Java exploit | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |

Apple's decision to push out a Flashback malware removal tool for OS X Lion bundled with a new Java security update has proven to be rather fortunate, as a new Mac OS X threat has been discovered taking advantage of the vulnerability (CVE-2012-0507) exploited by the latest Flashback variants.


The security update in question configures the Java web plug-in to disable the automatic execution of Java applets in browsers, a move that should prevent users from inadvertently falling victim to similar drive-by malware attacks in the future.



In the meantime, those who haven't installed the update are at risk of getting their machines compromised by a newly detected backdoor Trojan that Kaspersky Lab researchers dubbed SabPub.


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New Mac OS X Trojan discovered

New Mac OS X Trojan discovered | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
Sabpab exploits same Java vulnerability as Flashback...


Mac users should make sure they have applied Apple's latest Java update and installed anti-virus software after a new Trojan targeting OS X was spotted in the wild.


Ironically discovered on Friday 13th, the new Trojan - Sabpab - uses the same vulnerability in the OS X's Java plug-in to infect Macs, warns security firm Sophos.


===> It also doesn't require any user interaction to infect a system either - just like Flashback - all that needs to happen is for you to visit an infected webpage. <===



"The newly discovered Sabpab malware is in many ways a basic backdoor Trojan horse. It connects to a control server using HTTP, receiving commands from remote hackers as to what it should do.


The criminals behind the attack can grab screenshots from infected Macs, upload and download files, and execute commands remotely," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos.


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New targeted Mac OS X Trojan requires no user interaction

New targeted Mac OS X Trojan requires no user interaction | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
Another Mac OS X Trojan has been spotted in the wild, which exploits Java vulnerabilities, just like the Flashback Trojan.


Another Mac OS X Trojan has been spotted in the wild, which exploits Java vulnerabilities, just like the Flashback Trojan.


===> Also just like Flashback, this new Trojan doesn’t require any user interaction to infect your Apple Mac. <===


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Sabpab, new Mac OS X backdoor Trojan horse discovered

Sabpab, new Mac OS X backdoor Trojan horse discovered | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
More Mac malware has been discovered, capable of giving remote hackers access to your Apple Mac.

Isn't it time you ran anti-virus software on your Mac?


And just like Flashback, the new Trojan doesn't require any user interaction to infect your Apple Mac.


The Sabpab Trojan horse exploits the same drive-by Java vulnerability used to create the Flashback botnet.


===> It's time for Mac users to wake up and smell the coffee. Mac malware is becoming a genuine issue, and cannot be ignored any longer. <===


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